Saturday, September 15, 2007

Is It Okay...?

Kid Furious comes into the living room and announces "My chart is almost filled with stickers!" (referring to a behavior chart we've been using at bedtime)
"Great" Mrs Furious naively replys
Kid continues "Is it okay if once at night I stole some stickers?"
"And put them on?" Mrs Furious hesitantly asks
"And put them on" Kid Furious confirms with a mischievous nod and stiffled laugh
Mrs Furious begins to laugh hysterically... so much for maintaining a sense of authority


E. Broderick Photography said...

She is such a rascal! You could write a book of Ruby quotes.

Mr Furious said...

Yeah, I actually caught her coming down with the sticker sheet. She showed surprising restraint, and had only added a couple, leaving most on the sheet. I'd expect a kid to hog-wild and use them all.

She could be a mastermind—she already understands how to keep a low criminal profile!