Sunday, December 30, 2007

It Doesn't Mean I Don't Think You Are Beautiful

"Mom could you change my name to Belle?" Kid asks

"Nope." Mrs F replies

"But doesn't that mean Beauty?" Kid continues

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Kid's Already An NPR Junkie

"We've got to go to the post office real quick." Mrs F tells Kid in the car
"Okay but can I stay in the car with Charlotte? I want to listen to the news." Kid replies

Friday, December 14, 2007

Kid Is Really Feeling It This Christmas

"Mom could you change my name to Mary" Kid asks
"Well... you're name is special to me.." I reply tentatively
"Yeah but it goes better with Jesus." Kid says

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thanks... I Think

"Mom you look like a woman."

Monday, November 26, 2007

Kid Furious Takes A Stand

"Mom stop ordering me around like a servant!"

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Self Sufficiency Brought To You By Kid

Today Kid buttoned her own buttons! Put her own dress on! Even her own underwear... despite this previous prediction:

"Maybe for your five year old birthday your gift to me could be learning how to put on your own underwear." Mrs Furious announces

Kid replies in a creepy deep voice "That will not come true."

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I Hope Not....

"It looks like Charlotte and Ruby are having a fierce battle" announced Kid

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Thanks For Sharing

"Mom want to see how I make a tongue snowball?" Kid asks
"umm... not really" I reply
"I lick the window and then rub it around with my fingers." Kid continues while demonstating
"mmm..." I mutter while trying not to watch

Friday, October 26, 2007

I am SO beautiful

"Mom I bet the other kids in class will stare at my blue eyes, blond hair, bangs, and my braids, and my uniform because I am so beautiful"

Friday, October 19, 2007

Little Miss Smarty Pants

"You're a smart alecky smarty pants today, and you know what happens to them..." Mrs Furious says
"They get smart" Kid Furious replys

Friday, October 12, 2007

I Can't Argue With This Reasoning!

"Are you whining?" Mrs Furious asks
"No" Kid F responds "My voice sounds like a boy's voice ... and a boy's voice sounds like whining."

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Mom Can I Have...

"Mom I want those shoes you can roll on" Kid Furious begins
"Heelys" Mrs Furious guesses
"Yeah... I saw a boy with Heelys at Target. It is sooooo fun on Target floors cause you go faster than a human can walk."

Thursday, September 27, 2007

You Better Stay On Her Good Side!

"Dad I'm gonna cut off your head and put it in the Diaper Champ,
and put your body and your hands and feet in the garbage can!"

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Is It Okay...?

Kid Furious comes into the living room and announces "My chart is almost filled with stickers!" (referring to a behavior chart we've been using at bedtime)
"Great" Mrs Furious naively replys
Kid continues "Is it okay if once at night I stole some stickers?"
"And put them on?" Mrs Furious hesitantly asks
"And put them on" Kid Furious confirms with a mischievous nod and stiffled laugh
Mrs Furious begins to laugh hysterically... so much for maintaining a sense of authority

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Name Calling

"Hey Dad..... Mom is a Jack Ass Freak"

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Just a wee bit evil

Friday, August 24, 2007

Oops She Did It Again

Possibly Kid Furious's best "dead" pose yet!

Monday, August 20, 2007

In Life and In Death

"But Mom will we still be sisters when we're grown ups?" Kid Furious asks
"Yeah, you'll always be sisters." Mrs Furious replys
"I bet even when we're dead.... just you can't do anything." Kid Furious muses
True enough

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Did You Know...

"Did you know that one day my grandpa Popi climbed up the side of a volcano (pronounced walcano) while it was erupting?" Kid Furious begins
"Oh Jesus!... That sounds scary" Mrs. Furious responds
"Yeah, probably not the side where the lava was flowing..." Kid Furious hypothesizes
"Yeah, probably not" Mrs. Furious concludes

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Know It All

"Did you know the Ancient Chinese thought Dinosaurs were Dragons?.... Yeah they were WRONG!"
Kid Furious

Friday, August 10, 2007

Don't Put That One On Your Blog

Kid Furious likes to have her picture taken while playing "dead"
After this one was taken she insisted..
"Don't put that one on your blog Mom"
"Why?" I asked then with a moments thought.... "because they'll think your dead?"
"Yes!" Replied Kid Furious emphatically

It of course hadn't occured to me to post it until she mentioned it ;)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I'm Going to Get a Job

As Mrs. Furious is paying the bills she muses aloud to Kid Furious...
"Someday when you grow up you'll have to pay bills"
Kid Furious is quick to retort..
"Actually not I'm going to get a job."

Hmmm... we'll see how that pans out

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

In The Afterlife

Mrs. Furious "Are you ready to tell me the truth?"

Kid Furious remains silent

Mrs. Furious "Will you ever tell me the truth?"

Kid Furious responds "Well... when we're dead I'll tell you the truth."

Blue Eyes

Kid Furious sports her new glasses.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Kid Furious Performs

Kid Furious as Ariel in "The Little Mermaid"

Kid Furious really identifies with this rebellious, misunderstood, teen mermaid. Kid Furious can feel it.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It Just Felt Like A Hit

Mrs. Furious "I hope that wasn't a hit?"

Kid Furious "It wasn't. It just felt like a hit."

Mrs. Furious gives no response

Kid Furious continues, slightly worried by the silence, "It's a true story, it was not a hit."

Thursday, July 26, 2007

She Won't Hurt You, She'll Humiliate You

Far more cruel than a kick could ever be....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


"I can hit anything that's not alive... right?"
Kid Furious